Binocular Behavior Pattern Graph

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The famous “Van Orden Star” – for rapid and reliable in-office or at-home diagnostics. A Van Orden program tests and provides vision therapy for visual acuity, nearsightedness, fusion (helping both eyes work together) and, in some cases, augmenting readin

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5408   Binocular Behavior Pattern Graph

The famous “Van Orden Star” – for rapid and reliable in-office or at-home diagnostics. A Van Orden program tests and provides vision therapy for visual acuity, nearsightedness, fusion (helping both eyes work together) and, in some cases, augmenting reading skills.

  • Quickly shows basic binocular vision patterns
  • Indicates any phoria problems (related to the resting position of the eyes), scotomas (blind spots), suppressions, signs of discomfort or skills deficiencies
  • Includes 3 pads of 100 sheets